
The publications below include papers published in either journals or conference proceedings which involved more than one team member using lab resources. In addition to our core team, we work closely with other lab groups, including the Dalhousie NeuroCognitive Imaging Lab (NCIL) and Dalhousie Natural Lanaguge Processing Group (DNLP).

Nissen, A., Conrad, C. and Newman, A. (2023). Are you human? Detecting the difference in trust evaluations between virtual and human influencers. 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Conrad, C., Klesel, M., Oschinsky, F., Mayhew, K., O’Neil, K., and Usai, F. (2023). Quality Is more Important than Quantity: Social Presence and Workplace Ergonomics Control Predict Perceived Remote Work Performance. Proceedings of the 2023 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Conrad, C. D., Aziz, J. R., Henneberry, J. M. and Newman, A. J. (2022). Do emotions influence safe browsing? Towards an electroencephalography marker of affective responses to cybersecurity notifications. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16.

Conrad, C., Moylan, R. and O. Diaz, G. (2022). University life has gone digital: Influences of institutional mobile social network use during the Covid-19 emergency. Library Hi Tech.

Conrad, C., Klesel, M., Mayhew, K., O’Neil, K., Oschinsky, F. M., & Usai, F. (2022). Is Our Ability to Detect Errors an Indicator of Mind Wandering? An Experiment Proposal. In 2022 NeuroIS Retreat (pp. 105-112). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Gawai, H., Conrad, C., and Keselj, V. (2022). It's more than memes: User risk appetite and app enjoyment predict simulated mobile trading app behavior. In CONF-IRM 2022 Proceedings.

O. Diaz, G., and Conrad, C. (2021). Online communities and dating apps: The effects of social presence, trust, and Covid-19. In Proceedings of the 2021 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 1139.

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